South Korean won/dollar exchange rate falls

yasuo 07-28 18:06


On the same day, the won-dollar exchange rate in the Seoul foreign exchange market closed at 1,277.0 won, down 0.7 won from the previous day.

The exchange rate opened at 1,285.0 won, up 7.3 won overnight on a firmer dollar, before fluctuating as it digested the Bank of Japan's monetary policy decision.

The Bank of Japan decided at the monetary policy decision-making meeting on the same day to maintain the 0.5% upper limit of the 10-year government bond yield as a long-term interest rate indicator, but tolerate a certain excess range according to market trends.


As the yen/dollar fluctuated sharply after the announcement of the Bank of Japan, the won/dollar exchange rate also fluctuated more, and then gradually fell.

Meanwhile, the won/yen carry rate was 916.92 won per 100 yen. It was 4.96 won higher than the standard price (911.96 won) at 3:30 pm the day before.

上一篇:(晚盘)原油方面: 下一篇:张晶霖:7.28伦敦金急跌是否见顶?黄金多单被套怎么办?